Tonia Haake-harmon
Legal Assistant
Tonia spent the last 29 years in Boise where her three children were born. Tonia grew up mainly in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana in a log home near the Bitterroot-Selway National Wilderness where she spent countless hours in the mountains and around her horses. She loves the Northwest and feels at home in mountainous areas. Tonia enjoys camping, downhill skiing, mountain biking, riding horses and enjoying the Idaho outdoors.
Tonia completed her Associates of Arts degree in Business Administration in the Bay Area in California. And earned her B.A. in Business Management with a minor in marketing from the University of Maryland, College Park. She spent four years studying Japanese language and culture while living and working in Japan and completed the first-year law-school curriculum at Concordia University School of Law.
Tonia brings with her 35 years of administrative and management experience, including 13 years of small business ownership experience. Prior to joining C.K. Quade Law, Tonia was a marketing director at the Boise Towne Square Mall, the Grand Teton Mall, and the Idaho Press Tribune newspaper. Most recently she spent six years working at the University of Idaho College of Law at the Boise campus.
Tonia currently volunteers for a non-profit organization, the Trust and Estate Professionals of Idaho, where she has been involved for about the last nine years serving as the Secretary and Treasurer. Tonia assists Idaho attorney’s and other professionals in their mission of improving laws for Idaho’s citizens with regards to trusts, estates, elder law, persons with disabilities and in the areas of guardianship and conservatorship. Tonia is passionate about serving to protect and advocate for the elderly and persons with disabilities to ensure they are properly cared for and that their wishes are honored with regards to their health, living environment, end-of-life planning, and to assist them in fulfilling their legacies.